Occasional Kratom Use

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Kratom use vs. Kratom abuse

Kratom addiction is a very real possibility for those who abuse it. I say 'abuse', but in the West, where Kratom has no established medical usage, any use of Mitragynia Speciosa, at least in the eyes of the great majority of the medical profession, is abuse. In South-East Asia, however, where Kratom has a long history as a treatment for diarrhea, opiate addiction and pain, abuse is seen as the excessive use of Kratom in order to benefit from its stimulant/euphoric effects. More on Kratom effects here, including why effects are dose dependent. We also review the long term effects of the herbal drug and invite your questions about withdrawal from Kratom at the end.

Kratom is an excellent supplement to those drugs for extra pain relief. When it comes to recreational use, kratom is a different story. I have found that SMALLER doses work best with most other drugs to enhance the experience. Kratom will provide the little extra boost so I don't feel tired smoking pot. KratomCrazy.com is a retail website selling a variety of kratom products. Many people use kratom as a stimulant, or to boost their energy when they are feeling sluggish, need help with chronic pain, or anxiety. Different effects manifest depending on the strain of kratom, the dosage, and the individual taking it.

  1. The red blotches and occasional itch are the only issues I've experienced. Based on this do you still think that this case is potentially dangerous? When I went to the emergency room they didn't take any tests. I told them I'd taken Kratom and they basically said 'oh you must be allergic' and sent me on my way. Thanks again for your help.
  2. Kratom can be habit forming. Multiple studies and first-person consumer testimonials have shown dependence to be a relatively rare, mostly mild, but an unfortunate side effect of kratom. Long-time consumers understand that they can build up a tolerance, and if left unchecked, kratom can become an expensive and sometimes unpleasant habit.
  3. For Herbal Supplementation: 'First I started to use Kratom to improve my ability to learn during my exams. Kratom is a miracle drug for me, since it has the perfect balance between the stimulants and the sedatives.

Is Kratom addictive?

Yes, Kratom is addictive.

What Is Kratom

But looking at forums and groups about Kratom on the Web you could be forgiven for thinking that Kratom is the holy grail of drugs; it gets you high, it's legal AND withdrawal symptoms from abuse are so mild that they are hardly worth mentioning. But becoming addicted to Mitragynia Speciosa isn't difficult, particularly if you have an addictive personality.

My experience has been that daily use over a period of a month or so will cause psychological dependence. After over six months of Kratom use, you will find that physical dependence also kicks in. This varies, of course, to what form of Kratom you are using and the method of administration. Strains of UEI (Ultra Enhanced Indonesian), for example, will get you addicted far faster and harder than, let's say, dried leaf. Additionally, although some people try to snort Kratom, the administration is not as effective as when you swallow a capsule or drink Kratom as a tea. But to know whether you have developed physical dependence to Kratom, try to lower doses or cut out Kratom from your life. Withdrawal symptoms generally appear when you attempt to lower doses or cut out Kratom completely.

Kratom withdrawal symptoms

Compared to 'real' opiates, the withdrawals from Kratom may be relatively mild but they most definitely exist and can include:

  • apathy
  • depression
  • diarrhea
  • insomnia
  • restless leg syndrome
  • symptoms similar to the common cold

Kratom Uses Chart

How do you know if you are addicted to Kratom?

Deep down all addicts know that they are addicted, yet they deny it because they want to carry on doing what they are doing. If you need to know whether you are dependent on Kratom or not, then the following signs and symptoms are typical of Mitragynia Speciosa addiction:

7 signs of Kratom addiction

1. Increased tolerance – Tolerance to Kratom builds up very quickly and the dose needed to get the same effect will quickly increase. Slot grand prix.

2. Long-term constipation – As with opiates, constipation is a side-effect of Kratom use. Constipation over many days is a sign of physical drug dependence.

3. Secrecy – Shame is a big part of addiction, therefore those addicted to any substance will attempt to hide evidence of their problem (even though they may not consciously acknowledge it as a problem).

4. Cravings and obsessive thoughts – The mind of the addict will be constantly thinking about Kratom. When you can next take it, buy it, the feeling you will get, etc.

5. Daily use – The addict will use Kratom every day and probably many or multiple times in one day.

6. Withdrawal symptoms – Any break in habitual use of Kratom will see the addict going through withdrawals (see above for the symptoms of Kratom withdrawal).

7. Ensuring supply – To avoid withdrawal symptoms that result in lower doses or in stopping Kratom use, a Kratom addict will always try and make sure to have access to Kratom and that they don't run out. This may mean they buy Kratom in bulk, hide Kratom at work, in the house and so on.

Recognize these signs and symptoms of Kratom addiction in yourself or someone you care about? If YES…don't wait to get help! The sooner you get appropriate substance use treatment – the bigger your chances of maintaining a positive and productive life without drug abuse. If you need more info, see what it's like to seek help from Kratom Addiction Treatment Programs and how you can choose the best treatment type, duration, and therapies for you.

OR call 1-877-960-2430 NOW for immediate addiction help and appropriate treatment options referral.

How can you use Kratom without forming a habit?

So how do you avoid getting addicted to Kratom? Easy, don't start using it. Kratom regardless of its legality and 'herbal nature' is a drug, it' s addictive and, although cheap compared to illicit drugs, it will sap your finances if you do become dependent. On top of this it is a gateway drug, I found that when I couldn't get Kratom I tried to get my hands on anything that would help ease the withdrawals invariably that was opiates and they are a different ball game all together.

If you have to take Kratom then play safe. Take it as an occasional treat, use it no more than once a week and never on consecutive nights. This is easy to say but far harder to practice. Kratom makes you feel good and who doesn't want to feel good all the time?

Is kratom safe
Charles Somerville is the writer of The Alcoholism Guide, a website that looks at alcoholism in all its forms and the effects of alcohol abuse on mental and physical health.

Although a small number of people have become dependent on kratom (primarily in Thailand), kratom is not habit forming when it is used responsibly. If used occasionally as a recreational drug, rather than daily, there is virtually no risk of becoming dependent on it.
However, it is very important not to get into the habit of using it every day. For kratom, like many drugs (alcohol, coffee, tobacco, etc.) if used on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time, could become a habit hard to break. Therefore we advise you not to use kratom every day. Before starting to experiment with it set yourself usage guidelines. If you ever find it is hard to stay within your usage guidelines immediately quit using kratom.
Health risks of kratom are small, unless you consume large quantities every day. In Thailand, where there are some people who use kratom every day, those dependent on it can develop weight loss, dark pigmentation of the face, and have physical withdrawal symptoms if they quit abruptly. The withdrawal symptoms may include muscle aches, irritability, crying, runny nose, diarrhea, and muscle jerking.

Occasional Kratom Use


Health problems are unlikely to occur in occasional kratom users. Some users have reported minor nausea, increased urination and constipation as side-effects. Like any drug or medicine, people's reactions vary and some people could possibly have an allergic or other unusual reaction to kratom, even if they used it responsibly.

Guidelines for Safe Use of Kratom

Occasional Kratom Uses

We advise you not to use kratom too often: not more than once a week, and preferably not more than once or twice a month. This prevents habituation and will help you enjoy the plant more.

Combining drugs is usually a bad idea. It is recommended that you do not combine kratom with yohimbine, cocaine, amphetamine-like drugs, or large doses of caffeine, because of the possibility of over-stimulation or increased blood pressure. We recommend that kratom not be combined with large amounts of alcohol, with benzodiazepines, opiates, or any other drugs that depress the nervous system. This is because of the possibility that such combinations might cause over-sedation or even possible respiratory depression (not breathing),

It is also recommended that you do not use kratom in combination with MAO inhibitors, such as Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala), Banisteriopsis caapi, Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) and certain anti-depressants. Serious, even fatal, reactions can occur if MAO inhibitor drugs are combined with monoamine drugs. The combination of MAO inhibitor drugs with kratom, which contains monoamine alkaloids, has not been studied.

Other risks

How to use kratom powder

Xcaret resort mexico specials. Never use heavy machinery, drive or perform any other hazardous activity while under the influence of kratom. Even if you feel stimulated, rather than sleepy, sleepiness may come on you without warning. Use your common sense.

Is Kratom Safe

Occasional Kratom Use
Charles Somerville is the writer of The Alcoholism Guide, a website that looks at alcoholism in all its forms and the effects of alcohol abuse on mental and physical health.

Although a small number of people have become dependent on kratom (primarily in Thailand), kratom is not habit forming when it is used responsibly. If used occasionally as a recreational drug, rather than daily, there is virtually no risk of becoming dependent on it.
However, it is very important not to get into the habit of using it every day. For kratom, like many drugs (alcohol, coffee, tobacco, etc.) if used on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time, could become a habit hard to break. Therefore we advise you not to use kratom every day. Before starting to experiment with it set yourself usage guidelines. If you ever find it is hard to stay within your usage guidelines immediately quit using kratom.
Health risks of kratom are small, unless you consume large quantities every day. In Thailand, where there are some people who use kratom every day, those dependent on it can develop weight loss, dark pigmentation of the face, and have physical withdrawal symptoms if they quit abruptly. The withdrawal symptoms may include muscle aches, irritability, crying, runny nose, diarrhea, and muscle jerking.

Occasional Kratom Use

Health problems are unlikely to occur in occasional kratom users. Some users have reported minor nausea, increased urination and constipation as side-effects. Like any drug or medicine, people's reactions vary and some people could possibly have an allergic or other unusual reaction to kratom, even if they used it responsibly.

Guidelines for Safe Use of Kratom

Occasional Kratom Uses

We advise you not to use kratom too often: not more than once a week, and preferably not more than once or twice a month. This prevents habituation and will help you enjoy the plant more.

Combining drugs is usually a bad idea. It is recommended that you do not combine kratom with yohimbine, cocaine, amphetamine-like drugs, or large doses of caffeine, because of the possibility of over-stimulation or increased blood pressure. We recommend that kratom not be combined with large amounts of alcohol, with benzodiazepines, opiates, or any other drugs that depress the nervous system. This is because of the possibility that such combinations might cause over-sedation or even possible respiratory depression (not breathing),

It is also recommended that you do not use kratom in combination with MAO inhibitors, such as Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala), Banisteriopsis caapi, Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) and certain anti-depressants. Serious, even fatal, reactions can occur if MAO inhibitor drugs are combined with monoamine drugs. The combination of MAO inhibitor drugs with kratom, which contains monoamine alkaloids, has not been studied.

Other risks

Xcaret resort mexico specials. Never use heavy machinery, drive or perform any other hazardous activity while under the influence of kratom. Even if you feel stimulated, rather than sleepy, sleepiness may come on you without warning. Use your common sense.

Is Kratom Safe

Pregnant or breast-feeding women and children under 18 should not take any drug or medication except on medical advice. We strongly recommend that any woman who could possibly be pregnant NOT use kratom.

Use your common sense when using kratom for medicinal purposes, such as Attention Deficit Disorder or depression. You are (most likely) not a medical specialist, so we advise you to consult your doctor before using kratom for this purpose.

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